PJM completes the measurement approval of ÖBB Nightjets

PJM has successfully finalized the measurement approval process for ÖBB Nightjets. This achievement marks a significant milestone in the project's development, and we are proud to have played a crucial role in ensuring its success. Our team's diligent efforts and commitment to accuracy have resulted in the completion of this critical step, which paves the way for the next phase of the project. We remain dedicated to providing top-notch services to our clients and look forward to continuing our partnership with ÖBB Nightjets in the future.

The inaugural journey of the new generation of ÖBB Nightjets is just around the corner. Starting from the 10th of December, passengers in Austria and Germany will have the pleasure of experiencing the comfort and technical advancements offered by the Generation Viaggio Next Level night coaches. This exciting development has been made possible through the collaboration between ÖBB and PJM, with the latter being entrusted with the overall approval process.

PJM's role in the approval process

PJM, an accredited test laboratory in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025, specializes in railway systems and has played a crucial role in overseeing the design and production of the measuring wheelsets for the new coaches. Additionally, PJM has conducted approval tests in various areas such as running behavior, fatigue strength, acoustics, and aerodynamics.

Aerodynamic vehicle tests

One of the key aspects of the approval process was the aerodynamic vehicle tests, which were conducted at speeds of up to 200 km/h in tunnels and 230 km/h on open railway lines. These tests ensured that the new coaches adhered to permissible aerodynamic stresses in different scenarios, including train platforms, open tracks, and tunnels. Given the specific requirements in Austria, these test runs were carried out on the Westbahn line, between Vienna and Linz.

Austria's contribution to the project

The expertise of Austria's railway industry is clearly reflected in the modern design of these night trains. ÖBB, with the introduction of the new Nightjets, is further solidifying its position as a market leader in the European night train business. The development of these coaches was undertaken by Siemens Mobility, while the manufacturing took place in Vienna. The bogies and wheelsets, on the other hand, were sourced from Graz. PJM's involvement in the approval tests and the design and production of the measuring wheelsets further exemplifies Austria's contribution to this project.

Aerodynamic measurements and standards

The aerodynamic measurements conducted by PJM were carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, EN 14067-4, and 14067-5 standards. These tests were performed on the high-speed line in Lower Austria, reaching speeds of up to 230 km/h. The successful execution of these tests required flexibility and meticulous planning to avoid any disruption to the tightly scheduled operations of the heavily utilized Western railway line, also known as "Westbahn." It is worth noting that PJM is the only recognized test center in Austria for aerodynamics, highlighting their expertise in this field.

PJM's reputation and expertise

PJM's reputation as an internationally renowned railway system specialist is well-deserved, with successful project implementations in 30 countries across 6 continents. As an accredited test center according to ISO/IEC 17025, PJ Messtechnik GmbH conducts tests worldwide for the approval of rail vehicles. Their impressive portfolio includes projects such as the Rhaetian Railway, the Mountaineer in Canada, the TILO regional railway, the S-Bahn in Berlin and Riyadh, and underground railways in Chicago and London.

PJM's other services and commitment to Austria

In addition to their expertise in testing, PJ Monitoring GmbH is a technology leader in automating and digitizing rail freight transport through their pioneering Waggon Tracker system. Meanwhile, PJ Motion GmbH offers a comprehensive full-service package for track-bound vehicle authorization. Since its establishment in 2006, PJM has remained committed to maintaining "100% Made in Austria" by conducting all research and development, hardware and software development, production, and administration exclusively within Austria.


The upcoming launch of ÖBB Nightjets' new generation coaches marks an exciting milestone in rail travel. Passengers can look forward to enhanced comfort and cutting-edge technology as they embark on their journeys. Thanks to the expertise of companies like PJM, these night trains are set to revolutionize overnight travel experiences across Austria and Germany.

(This article is sourced from globalrailwaysreview.com and curated by Thetransporteronline24)


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