AFRAA is advocating for solutions to address the blockages in Burundi's funds

The Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Dieudonné Murengerantwari, was met this week on Thursday, September 21, 2023, by the Secretary General of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA), Mr. Abderahmane Berthé, and Mr. Raphael Kuuchi, Director of Government, Legal, and Industry Affairs.

Representatives of the AFRAA member airlines with operations in Burundi that are hampered by the blocked money situation, such as Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, RwandAir, and Uganda Airlines, were present with the AFRAA Leadership.

The discussions on how to assist the effective operations of airlines with the governor of the Burundian Central Bank were quite productive. The Central Bank pledged in particular to make it easier for airlines to repatriate their sales proceeds. AFRAA thanks the Governor of the Central Bank of Burundi and his team's willingness to consider all options in order to quickly find workable solutions.

For African airlines, the issue of restricted cash in several nations is a challenge. The AFRAA has formed a Blocked Funds Task Force with a few of its airline members to address the issue and work with the involved Governments to unlock the cash.

Governments are urged by AFRAA to prioritise aviation and lower the amount of blocked funding. said Mr. Berthé.

-By Asma Azara |thetransporteronline24|Burundi


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