GPRTU instructs drivers to keep current fares during ongoing negotiations

We are amidst a crucial period for the transport industry in Ghana, as the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) navigates discussions with the government regarding proposed fare increases. The union is steadfast in its call for transport operators to maintain current fare levels as deliberations continue.

Following an inconclusive meeting between the GPRTU and the government, Abass Moro, Industrial Relations Officer of the union, has conveyed optimism for a resolution. In a statement to Citi News, Moro emphasized the importance of ongoing engagement with the government to address the fare adjustment issue.

It is evident that both the union and the government are committed to finding a mutually beneficial solution. As discussions progress, the GPRTU is urging transport operators to uphold existing fare structures to avoid any perception of taking advantage of the public. This demonstrates their dedication to responsibly representing the interests of both drivers and passengers.

In parallel to these fare-related discussions, the recent passage of the Emissions Levy Bill by Parliament has introduced a new dimension to the operating environment for transport operators. The imposition of an annual fee on owners of petrol and diesel cars from January 2024 is a notable development. The GPRTU has taken proactive steps by petitioning the Speaker of Parliament to reconsider aspects of the Emission Levy Bill, reflecting their commitment to advocating for the industry's interests.

The government's objective to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly energy sources for vehicle power aligns with global efforts towards sustainability and carbon offset initiatives. It is within this context that the GPRTU continues to engage in constructive dialogue with relevant stakeholders, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that considers the welfare of both operators and the broader community.

As developments unfold, it is imperative for all parties to maintain open lines of communication and a collaborative spirit. The GPRTU's proactive engagement with the government and advocacy for fair industry policies exemplify their dedication to serving the best interests of their members and the public.

In summary, the ongoing dialogue between the GPRTU and the government underscores the importance of constructive engagement in addressing industry challenges. As these discussions progress, it is essential for all stakeholders to uphold a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, ultimately working towards a sustainable and equitable transport sector for Ghana.

-(This article is sourced from curated by Thetransporteronline24)


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