Rail Baltica Announces Procurements for Infrastructure Projects in Lithuania

Rail Baltica, the largest railway infrastructure project in the history of the Baltic States, has recently announced procurements for its infrastructure projects in Lithuania. These projects include the design and construction of various infrastructure structures along the railway line.

Procurement process

The procurement process for the design of infrastructure structures in the Kaunas railway node and the section between Jiesia (Kaunas) and the border between Lithuania and Poland has begun. This early move to the design stage has been made possible by the successful procedures for the redemption of land plots required for these infrastructure objects. Contracts with service providers are expected to be signed in early 2024.

Land redemption and acquisition

Dovydas Palaima, Head of Management of LTG Infra Rail Baltica, explained that land plots needed for specific infrastructure facilities in the Kaunas node have already been redeemed, even before the approval of the infrastructure development plan for this section. Land plots are also being acquired in Jiesia (Kaunas) – in the stretch of the Lithuanian-Polish border. This enables the immediate announcement of procurement for design works.

Design services being procured

The design services being procured include the preparation of technical work projects and the implementation of projects for the planned construction and reconstruction of automobile roads, railway viaducts, railway crossings, and passages for animals. The winning designers will be responsible for carrying out engineering research, preparing design proposals, and creating technical working projects for construction and reconstruction works. They will also provide project execution services during the construction and reconstruction phase. It is expected that the technical work projects for all infrastructure objects will be prepared by early 2025.

Infrastructure structures to be built and reconstructed

The infrastructure structures to be reconstructed will be located at the Kaunas railway node, while new structures will be built on the section from Kaunas towards Poland. A total of 2 railway crossings, 13 automobile viaducts, and 2 railway viaducts are planned to be built and reconstructed in these sections of Rail Baltica before the construction works of the main railway line and its structures. Additionally, 5 ecoducts will be installed to ensure safe migration routes for local animals.

Number of buildings to be constructed

The exact number of buildings to be constructed will be determined after the completion of land redemption and design activities. Design work is scheduled to commence in early 2024.

Procurement process through the Central 

The procurement of design services is being carried out through the Central Procurement Organization (CPO). A total of almost 170 plots have been identified for point-type objects such as viaducts, crossings, and ecoducts.

Progress of construction work in the Kaunas-Latvia border section

Currently, in the most mature section from Kaunas to the border of Lithuania and Latvia, construction work is progressing on the railway bed road and engineering structures. In a section spanning almost 30 kilometers from Kaunas towards the Latvian border, the construction of the longest railway bridge in the Baltic States over the Neris River is intensifying.

Finalization of special plans and design works in other sections

In other sections of the Rail Baltica project, such as Kaunas-Vilnius and Kaunas-Lithuanian-Polish border, special plans are being finalized and design works are being procured. Once these special plans are approved (expected in the first half of 2024), land acquisition and design activities will proceed simultaneously.

Rail Baltica project overview

Rail Baltica aims to build an electrified European-standard two-track railway connecting Warsaw, Kaunas, Vilnius, Panevėžys, Riga, Pern, and Tallinn. The total length of the Rail Baltica railway line in the Baltic countries will reach 870 km, with 392 km in Lithuania, 265 km in Latvia, and 213 km in Estonia.


The announcement of procurements for infrastructure projects in Lithuania marks another significant step forward for Rail Baltica. With design work set to begin in 2024, this ambitious railway project is steadily progressing towards its goal of creating a modern and efficient rail network in the Baltic region.

(This article is sourced from gloalrailwayreview.com and curated by Thetransporteronline24)


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