FAA forms Pilot Mental Health Committee prior to NTSB Summit

In a recent announcement, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has formed a Mental Health Aviation Rulemaking Committee to propose revisions to pilot mental health regulations. The aim of this committee is to identify and eliminate any remaining barriers that discourage pilots from reporting and seeking treatment for mental health concerns. This move comes just before the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) summit on the stigma surrounding mental health issues faced by pilots.

The issue of pilot mental health gained significant attention in October 2023, when an off-duty pilot was charged with attempting to crash an Alaska Airlines flight. This incident highlighted the urgent need to address mental health concerns among pilots. Currently, pilots risk losing their jobs if they seek mental health care, and the FAA requires regular medical examinations and self-disclosure of mental disorders. This creates stigma and fear among pilots, resulting in many avoiding seeking necessary care.


NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy has criticized the FAA’s pilot certification system as outdated and has voiced concerns about pilots feeling ashamed or discouraged from seeking help. 

Roundtable Discussion

The NTSB roundtable, scheduled for Wednesday, will bring together experts from the aviation and medical fields to discuss this issue.

The FAA acknowledges the need for change and has set a deadline for the committee to submit recommendations by the end of March. The committee will also address the same issues for FAA air traffic controllers, as the agency faces staffing challenges in air traffic control.

Capt. Chris Smith, in an Op-Ed on the issue of mental health, noted that incidents and accidents that could be attributed to degraded mental health were very rare. However, he believes such rarity is due to favorable laws of probability rather than the airline industry having developed robust mitigation measures. “Many regulators, unions, and airlines have decided to kick the issue into the long grass.”


It is imperative that stakeholders take direct accountability and implement change to address mental health concerns among pilots. Let’s hope the recommendations from the FAA’s new pilot mental health committee don’t stay at the committee level. The safety and well-being of pilots and passengers alike depend on it.

(This article is sourced from airwaysmag.com and curated by Thetransporteronline24)


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