CEO of Global Ship Lease Announces Retirement and Successor

In a significant announcement, Ian Webber, the CEO of Global Ship Lease (GSL), a renowned boxship tonnage provider listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has revealed his retirement plans. After playing a pivotal role in the company's establishment in 2007, Webber will retire at the end of March. The board of directors has appointed Tom Lister, a long-standing member of GSL, as the new CEO. This transition ensures continuity and sets the stage for GSL to navigate the industry's current inflection point successfully.

A Legacy of Leadership

Ian Webber's retirement marks the end of an era for Global Ship Lease. As one of the founding members, Webber has been instrumental in shaping the company's growth and success over the past 14 years. His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment have propelled GSL to become a prominent player in the boxship tonnage sector.

Continuity and Expertise

Taking over the reins from Ian Webber, Tom Lister assumes the role of CEO with a wealth of experience and an intimate understanding of GSL's operations. Lister has been an integral part of the GSL family since its inception and has a diverse background in asset finance, banking, and liner shipping. His broad industry knowledge positions him well to lead GSL through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

A Promising Future

With Tom Lister at the helm, GSL is poised to capitalize on the evolving dynamics of the shipping industry. As Lister himself acknowledges, the sector is currently at an inflection point, presenting both challenges and opportunities. However, with the support of GSL's exceptional teams at sea, on shore, and in the boardroom, Lister is confident that the company will not only address these challenges but also embrace the opportunities that arise.

Maintaining Positive Momentum

George Youroukos, GSL's executive chairman, expressed his delight in maintaining continuity within the company. He believes that Tom Lister's transition into the CEO role will ensure GSL's positive momentum continues unabated. Youroukos commended Lister's deep expertise across the industry and his comprehensive understanding of GSL's inner workings.


As Ian Webber prepares to retire from Global Ship Lease, his contributions to the company's success will be remembered and celebrated. The appointment of Tom Lister as the new CEO ensures a seamless transition and promises a bright future for GSL. With Lister's leadership and industry expertise, combined with GSL's exceptional team, Global Ship Lease is poised to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving shipping industry.

(This article is sourced from and curated by Thetransporteronline24)


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